Table 3. Factor structure of the Participation Motivation Questionnaire for students from all three institutions (Principal Components, Varimax Rotation).
Items Component
1 2 3 4 5 6
VP 17 I like the action .762
VP16 I like to have something to do .730
VP29 I like to have fun .602 .402
VP18 I like the team spirit .556 .551
VP22 I like being on a team .532 .481
VP26 I like the challenge .517
VP15 I like to get exercise .488
VP19 I like to get out of the house .464
VP25 I want to be popular .824
VP21 I like to feel important .814
VP14 I like the rewards .763
VP28 I want to gain status or recognition .709
VP20 I like to compete .411 .681
VP3I like to win .464 .590
VP23 I want to go on to a higher level .406 .723
VP10 I want to learn new skills .718
VP1I want to improve my skills .701
VP24 I want to be physically fit .421 .678
VP6I want to stay in shape .608
VP12 I like to do something I'm good at .490
VP9My parents or close friends want me to play .613
VP8I like the teamwork .607
VP27 I like the coaches or instructors .568
VP11 I like to meet new friends .522
VP2I want to be with my friends .446 .471
VP30 I like to use the equipment or facilities .459
VP5I like to travel .670
VP7I like the excitement .632
VI13 I want to release tension .766
VP4I want to get rid of energy .409 .562
Cronbach’salpha .868 .877 .856 .765 .568 .572
Eigenvalues 4.55 4.16 3.58 3.06 1.87 1.582
Variance explained (%) 15.15 13.88 11.94 10.21 6.24 5.28
Legend: Component: 1 – Sport action with friends; 2 – Popularity; 3 – Fitness & Health; 4 – Social status: 5 – Sports events; 6 – Relaxation through sports