Table 2. Reliability data of familiarization trials 3 and 4 for 30-s maximum sprint on cTM.
P-Value ICC2,1 SEM %SEM MD %MD
Distance .157 .969 4.387 m 2.645 11.674 m 7.037
Mean Velocity .173 .969 .145 m·s-1 2.622 .388 m·s-1 7.016
Peak Velocity .033 * .966 .199 m·s-1 3.142 .489 m·s-1 7.725
Mean Power .093 .940 11.723 W 4.140 30.214 W 10.670
Peak Power .669 .887 115.326 W 11.244 317.972 W 31.001
Relative Mean Power .133 .926 .167 W·kg-1 4.315 .435 W/kg 11.240
Relative Peak Power .603 .791 1.500 W·kg-1 10.949 4.000 W/kg 29.197
Significant difference (p < 0.05) between 3 and 4 familiarization trial. ICC= Intraclass Correlation Coefficient; SEM = Standard Error of Measurement; SEM (%) = Standard Error of Measurement as a Percent of the Grand Mean; MD = Minimal Difference; MD (%) = Minimal Difference as a Percent of the Grand Mean