Table 3. Summary of mean blood pressure values, at baseline and week 2 for both subject groups. Values are means (± Standard Deviation).
Baseline Follow-up
Measurements Control Supplement Control Supplement
RSBP (mmHg) 125.3 (5.1) 124.0 (7.2) 124.5 (3.9) 115.1 (9.5) *† 
Post SBP (mmHg) 136.3 (4.3) 135.6 (15.3) 139.1 (4.5) 122.6 (9.9) *† 
Rec SBP (mmHg) 117.5 (8.5) 118.1 (16.2) 121.6 (6.1) 110.4 (9.2) † 
RHR (bpm) 74 (12) 76 (15) 68 (12) 69 (12)
HR15 (bpm) 155 (20) 152 (24) 163 (16) 171 (11)
HR30 (bpm) 180 (12) 187 (13) 186 (13) 187 (12)
RecHR (bpm) 102 (15) 101 (16) 100 (16) 106 (11)
* indicates significance at week 2 compared to baseline (p < 0.05).
†  indicates signifincance between control and experimental groups at week 2 (p < 0.05). RSBP - Resting systolic blood pressure. PostSBP - Post exercise systolic blood pressure. RecSBP - Systolic blood pressure after 5 minutes recovery. RHR - Resting heart rate. HR15 - Heart rate at 15 minutes cycling. HR30 - Heart rate at 30 minutes cycling. HR30 - Heart rate at 30 minutes cycling. RecHR - Heart rate after 5 minutes recovery