Table 3. The values of Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the parameters studied and average horizontal monofin swimming velocity, on nine of the 100m-intervals of the test distance estimated.
αfeetER -.78 * AMP feet -.56
αproximalER -.69 * SF .96 * AMP tail -.60
βdistalER -.76 * SL -.74 * AMP middle -.53
βentireER -.70 * AMP edge -.40
Note: (αER) – error of the angle of flexion in foot at ankle joint; (αER) – error of the angle of bend in tail of monofin; (βER) – error of the angle of attack of distal part of fin; (βER) – error of the angle of attack of entire surface of fin; (SF) mean stroke frequency; (SL) mean stroke length; (AMP, AMP, AMP,AMP) amplitude of displacement of the segments analyzed.
*Statistically significant correlation coefficients (p = 0.05).