Table 5. Doping factors (F – frequency; % - percentage) and differences between genders (KW – Kruskal Wallis test).
Females Males KW
F % F %
Testing on doping Never (1) 35 81.4 20 95.2
Once or twice (2) 4 9.3 0 0.0
2-5 times (3) 2 4.7 0 0.0 1.98
More than 5 times (4) 2 4.7 1 4.8
Trust in coaches regarding doping Yes 15 34.9 7 33.3
No 28 65.1 14 66.7
Trust in physicians regarding doping Yes 28 65.1 14 66.7
No 15 34.9 7 33.3
Doping in tennis I don’t think that it is used (1) 9 20.9 1 4.8
Don’t know - not familiar (2) 14 32.6 4 19.0
It is used but rarely (3) 12 27.9 14 66.7 2.3
Doping is often (4) 8 18.6 2 9.5
Personal opinion about penalties for doping offencers Lifelong suspension 8 18.6 3 14.3
First time milder punishment. second time - lifelong suspension 32 74.4 13 61.9
Suspension for couple of seasons 1 2.3 4 19.0
Financial punishment 2 4.7 1 4.8
Doping should be allowed 0 0.0 0 0.0
Potential doping habits If assured it will help me no matter to health hazard (1) 1 2.3 0 0.0
I will use it if it will help me with no health hazard (2) 1 2.3 4 19.0
Not sure about it (3) 3 7.0 4 19.0 5.93*
I do not intend to use doping (4) 38 88.4 13 61.9
Number in parenthesis present ordinal value for each answer
* p < 0.05