Table 6. Spearman’s rank order correlations between studied variables for females (F) and males (M).
CR Jun CR Sen NS use Doping testing Doping in tennis Doping likelihood KD KSN
Age F –.30 –.17 .44 * .37 * .11 –.28 .56 * .31 *
M –.38 .37 .19 .33 .79* –.48 * .49 * .49 *
CR Sen F .57 *
M .39
NS use F –.21 –.18
M –.62 * –.19
Doping testing F –.26 –.14 –.30 *
M –.34 –.16 .39
Doping in tennis F –.47 * –.23 –.53 * .25
M –.37 .48 * .31 .07
Doping likelihood F –.12 .21 –.07 –.28 .17
M –.28 –.55* .12 –.36 –.41
KD F –.08 .15 –.27 .31 * .58 * .08
M –.05 .03 –.35 –.04 .41 –.06
KSN F –.01 –.29 .17 –.04 –.11 –.47 * .23
M .06 .21 –.35 .24 .29 –.60 * .80 *
Education F –.52 * –.23 .49 –.06 .10 .27 .40 * .60 *
M –.61 * .19 .32 .37 .50 * –.05 .19 .06
Legend: Age – age of the subjects; Exper – sport experience; CR Jun – competitive achievement as junior; CR Sen – competitive achievement at senior competitions; NS use – usage of the dietary supplements; Doping testing – frequency of doping testing; Doping in tennis – personal opinion about doping in tennis; Doping likelihood – personal likelihood of doping behavior in future; KD – knowledge about doping; KSN – knowledge about sport nutrition; Education – level of formal education
* p < 0.05