Table 1. Mean (± SD) percentages of the expert and non-expert tennis players for each shot across all fatigue intensities.
Accuracy (%) Expert Players Accuracy (%) Non-Expert Players
Rest 70% 90% Rest 70% 90%
DTLB 21.54 (15.73) 16.15 (13.87) 18.46 (17.25) 16.47 (13.67) 15.29 (12.31) 10.59 (12.98)
DTLF 33.08 (13.17) 31.54 (16.76) 10.00 (10.00) 22.94 (22.30) 12.94 (9.85) 8.24 (8.83)
CCB 16.92 (23.23) 30.00 (12.25) 15.38 (12.66) 12.94 (9.20) 19.41 (17.49) 7.06 (12.13)
CCF 27.69 (13.01) 22.31 (14.23) 15.38 (15.61) 14.12 (15.84) 17.06 (13.12) 7.65 (7.52)
Consistency (%) Expert Players Consistency (%) Non-Expert Players
Rest 70% 90% Rest 70% 90%
DTLB 54.62 (20.26) 50.00 (11.55) 43.85 (11.21) 34.12 (16.61) 42.35 (14.37) 33.53 (16.93)
DTLF 49.23 (18.91) 50.00 (19.58) 53.85 (10.44) 42.35 (20.78) 45.29 (19.08) 34.12 (13.72)
CCB 56.92 (23.59) 50.77 (13.21) 47.69 (20.88) 42.94 (15.72) 49.41 (17.84) 32.35 (19.85)
CCF 50.00 (10.80) 53.85 (19.38) 54.62 (18.98) 48.82 (21.76) 49.41 (15.60) 41.76 (17.04)
Out (%) Expert Players Out (%) Non-Expert Players
Rest 70% 90% Rest 70% 90%
DTLB 23.85 (12.61) 33.85 (15.57) 37.69 (14.23) 49.41 (20.15) 42.35 (19.54) 55.88 (21.52)
DTLF 17.69 (12.35) 18.46 (16.76) 36.15 (12.61) 34.71 (20.04) 41.76 (21.57) 57.65 (13.93)
CCB 26.15 (15.57) 19.23 (10.38) 36.92 (17.02) 44.12 (15.84) 31.18 (20.88) 60.59 (22.21)
CCF 22.31 (13.01) 23.85 (13.87) 30.00 (21.21) 37.06 (23.12) 33.53 (18.69) 50.59 (19.83)