Table 1. Proximal composition and amino acids analysis (g/100g) of the diet
Macronutrients (percent composition) Lipids 5.1%
Ashes 8.3%
Moisture 9.0%
Protein 21.9%
Carbohydrate 55.8%
Amino acids
(g / 100g)
ASP 2.00
GLU 4.03
SER 1.08
GLN .97
HIS .54
ARG 1.61
TER .78
ALA 1.04
PRO 1.28
TYR .78
MET .45
CYS .28
VAL 1.00
ILE .89
LEU 1.76
PHE 1.07
LYS 1.15
TOTAL 20.71