Table 2. The early rehabilitation protocol after meniscal repair
Post-operative weeks
Brace 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
Range of motion
0-90 ° x x
0-120 ° x
0-135 ° x
¼ from body weight x
½ from body weight x
full weight-bearing x
Scar tissue mobilization x x x
EMG biofeedback (just SG) x x x x
Electrical muscle stimulation x x x x
Cryotherapy x
Stretching x x x x
Quadriceps isometrics x x x
Hamstring isometrics x x x
Hip abduction and adduction x x x
Cycling x x
Toe raises x x
Mini-squats x x
Lateral step-ups x x
CKC resistance exercise x x
Isokinetic exercises x
Proprioception training x x x x
CKC = Closed-kinetic chain. The points identify the period in which the given activity was conducted.