Table 3. The correlations between the amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sex-specific blood markers.
Variables Participants r # p
GSSG (mM) Men -.399 .225
Women .258 .334
All .045 .819
GSH (mM) Men -.282 .401
Women -.205 .445
All -.214 .274
GPX (U·ml-1) Men -.303 .365
Women -.429 .098
All -.334 .082
TRX (pg·ml-1) Men -.048 .902
Women .181 .518
All -.048 .747
# Age adjusted Pearson’s correlation coefficient. GSSG, glutathione-S-S-Gulutathione; GSH, Gulutathione-SH; GPX, glutathione peroxidise; TRX, thioredoxin.