Table 1. Mean and standard deviation (SD) of variables at maximal effort exercise on a treadmill on land (TRE), stationary running on land (SRL) and stationary running in water (SRW)
HRmax (bpm) VO2max (
PROTOCOL Mean (± SD) p Mean (± SD) p
TRE (1) 196.12 3 (4.45) 38.98 2,3 (3.39)
SRL (2) 196.37 3 (5.26) 0.001 34.88 1 (3.64) 0.004
SRW (3) 187.25 1,2 (6.75) 34.00 1 (3.90)
HR, maximal heart rate; VO, maximal oxygen uptake. Superscripts represent significant differences between the protocols (p < 0.05).