Table 2. Mean and standard deviation (SD) of variables at submaximal effort exercise on a treadmill (TRE), stationary running on land (SRL) and stationary running in water (SRW) in the second turn point (ST) determination by the ventilatory curve method (VC) and the heart rate deflection point method (HRDP).
VC HRDP Prot Met Prot*Met
PROTOCOL Mean (± SD) Mean (± SD) p P p
TRE (1) 184.50 (9.05) 3 183.75 (9.06) 3
HRST SRL (2) 180.75 (11.65) 3 181.62 (9.16) 3 .031 .163 .178
SRW (3) 167.87 (13.37) 1,2 173.50 (8.15) 1,2
TRE (1) 33.00 (4.56) 2,3 34.65 (3.13) 2,3
VO2ST SRL (2) 25.88 (3.34) 1 25.97 (4.48) 1 .001 .142 .517
SRW (3) 26.31 (4.68) 1 26.16 (5.99) 1
HR, heart rate at second turn point; VO, oxygen uptake at second turn point. Prot, protocols factor; Met, methods factor; Prot*Met; protocols and methods interaction. Superscripts represent significant differences between the protocols (p<0.05).