Table 1 Mean, standard deviation (time), two-way ANOVA (sex, classification, and interactions) with Bonferroni in 50 m and 100 m individual freestyle in old starting platform.
  Time (s)   Block time (s)
Men (m)
  Women (w)
Men (m)
  Women (w)
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
50-m freestyle
1st-3rd (n=96) 22.10 (.23)   24.94 (.45)   .73 (0.06)   .76 (0.05)
4th-8th (n=157) 22.45 (.27) 25.46 (.41) .75 (0.07) .77 (0.06)
9th-16th (n=256) 22.77 (.36) 25.86 (.44) .76 (0.06) .79 (0.06)
100-m freestyle
1st-3rd (n=96) 48.64 (.43)   54.40 (.64)   .75 (0.06)   .77 (0.06)
4th-8th (n=160) 49.37 (.50) 55.31 (.66) .76 (0.05) .78 (0.06)
9th-16th (n=256) 50.07 (.68) 56.18 (.79) .77 (0.05) .79 (0.06)
Whole sample by sex and classification Sex   Classification
Men (m)   Women (w)   1st -3rd (a)   4th -8th (b)   9th -16th (c)
50-m freestyle .75 (.06) .78 (.06) .75 (0.05) .76 (0.07) .77 (.06)
100-m freestyle .76 (.05) .79 (.06) .76 (0.06) .77 (0.05) .78 (.05)
Main effects and interactions Sex   Classification Sex * Classification
F Diff p F Diff p F p
50-m freestyle 18.141 m<w <.001a   5.205 a<c .006c .567 .568
100-m freestyle 24.035 m<w <.001b 4.100 a<c .017 .085 .918
a: effect size=-0.50;
b: effect size=-0.54;
c: effect size=-0.35