Table 2 Measures self reported and their coding.
Variables-levels Modalities coding
1. Age (years) -5 1 = < 20; 2 = 20 to 30, 3 = 30 to 40, 4 = 40 to 50, 5 = >50.
2. Gender-2 1 = male, 2 = female
3. Practice frequency-4 1 = exceptionally*, 2 = monthly*, 3 = weekly, 4 = more than one time per week
4. Supervision in physical activity experiment-2 1 = only at school, 2 = in club
5. Main training target-9 1 = no target, 2 = weight management, 3 = body shape, 4 = sport event planning, 5 = physical fitness, 6 = relaxation, 7 = a complement to other physical activities, 8 = social networks, 9= medical sanction*.
6. Main reason for swimming choice-9 1 = unknown, 2 = lives near the swimming pool, 3 = climate, 4 = habit of practice, 5 = financial cost, 6 = enjoyment, 7 = health benefits by swimming, 8 = social networks, 9 = medical sanction*
7. Swimming session duration (min)-4 1 = unknown, 2 = <30, 3 = 30 to 45, 4 = 45 to 60, , 5 = > 60
8. Swimming session distance (m)-4 1 = unknown, 2 = <1000, 3 = 1000 to 1500, 4 = 1500 to 2000, 5> 2000
9. Swimming stroke more used-8 1 = butterfly, 2 = backstroke, 3 = breaststroke, 4 = frontcrawl, 5 = kickstroke, 6 = armstroke, 7 = combined swim stroke, 8 = other
10. Material most used-7 1= no material, 2 = kickboard, 3 = fins, 4 = pull-buoy, 5 = paddles, 6 = cardio frequency meter, 7 = chronometer, 8 = other
11. Session training control-4
Notation was performed according the description of last training session. Parameters such as distance, swim strokes, series, intensity control and recovery period are used to code the quality of the control
1 = no capacity to describe last session, 2 = 1 parameter present in the description, 3= 2 parameters, 4 = 3 parameters or more
12. Training evolution during a year-4 1 = identical training, 2 = identical distance and increased intensity, 3 = increased distance and identical intensity, 4 increased distance and intensity.
* Modalities excluding participants from the analysis, a total of 61 modalities was retained for the study.