Table 2. Shoulder and elbow kinematics for the first and second steps in a 10-m sprint in experienced male cricketers, and when split into groups of infielders and outfielders. Data are means (±SD).
All Subjects
(n = 18)
(n = 10)
(n = 8)
p value Effect
Shoulder ROM Left Arm (°) 118.24 (17.33) 118.53 (11.76) 117.87 (23.47) .939 .04
Right Arm (°) 111.15 (25.05) 109.95 (28.72) 112.65 (21.43) .828 .11
Elbow Step 1 Lead Arm Flexion (°) 102.73 (11.59) 100.96 (10.86) 104.95 (12.83) .484 .34
Rear Arm Extension (°) 45.40 (15.19) 38.74 (13.14) 53.73 (14.00) .001 * 1.10
Elbow Step 2 Lead Arm Flexion (°) 101.34 (10.27) 95.12 (8.54) 109.12 (6.15) .033 * 1.88
Rear Arm Extension (°) 52.05 (11.15) 48.68 (5.74) 56.19 (14.96) .162 0.66
ROM= Range of Motion.
° = degrees.
* Significant ( < 0.05) difference between the infielders and outfielders.