Table 3. Hip, knee, and ankle kinematics for the drive and swing leg in the first step in a 10-m sprint in experienced male cricketers, and when split into groups of infielders and outfielders. Data are means (±SD).
All Subjects (n = 18)
Infielders (n = 10)
Outfielders (n = 8)
p value
Effect Size
Drive Leg Extension (°)
6.22 (3.93)
5.76 (3.04)
6.80 (4.98)
Swing Leg Flexion (°)
97.60 (8.81)
98.03 (10.76)
97.06 (6.22)
Drive Leg Extension (°)
26.38 (11.89)
25.34 (12.46)
27.67 (11.85)
Swing Leg Flexion (°)
124.70 (12.14)
122.57 (14.52)
127.37 (8.51)
Drive Leg Plantar Flexion (°)
-38.76 (9.11)
-37.96 (8.34)
-40.20 (11.25)
Swing Leg Dorsi Flexion (°)
33.22 (12.98)
33.22 (15.47)
33.22 (10.66)
° = degrees.
* Significant (p < 0.05) difference between the infielders and outfielders.