Table 5. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between 0-5 meter (m) and 0-10 m time, step length (SL), step frequency (SF) and contact time (CT) for the first (1) and second (2) steps, and shoulder range of motion for the left (LSROM) and right (RSROM) arms, and lead arm elbow flexion (LAEF) and rear arm elbow extension (RAEE) for the first and second steps in a 10-m sprint.
0-5 m 0-10 m SL1 SF1 CT1 SL2 SF2 CT2
SL1 -.395 -.355
SF1 -.001 .258 -.794 † 
CT1 -.276 -.313 .273 -.370
SL2 -.174 -.325 .890 †  -.829 †  .245
SF2 -.141 .303 -.648 †  .790 †  -.314 -.829 † 
CT2 .271 -.212 -.023 -.168 .579 * .081 -.452
LSROM .106 -.097 .332 -.376 -.030 .471 * -.437 .192
RSROM -.133 .170 -.013 .091 .155 .023 -.269 .379
LAEF1 .177 .128 .348 -.214 -.295 .304 -.318 -.237
RAEE1 .042 -.194 -.011 -.051 -.287 .055 -.054 -.097
LEEF2 .291 .400 .057 -.205 -.482 * .153 -.151 -.234
RAEE2 -.189 -.090 -.058 -.235 .029 -.183 .182 .109
†  Significant (p < 0.01) relationship between variables.
* Significant (p < 0.05) relationship between variables.