Table 6. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between 0-5 meter (m) and 0-10 m time, step length (SL), step frequency (SF) and contact time (CT) for the first (1) and second (2) steps, with drive leg hip extension (HE), knee extension (KE), and ankle plantar flexion (APF), and swing leg hip flexion (HF), knee flexion (KF), and ankle dorsi flexion (ADF), for the first and second steps in a 10-m sprint.
0-5 m 0-10 m SL1 SF1 CT1 SL2 SF2 CT2
HE1 .048 -.165 -.375 .388 -.220 -.375 .297 -.121
HF1 -.177 -.371 .570 * -.606 †  -.012 .598 †  -.504 * -.043
KE1 .020 -.012 -.085 .050 .217 -.152 .164 .094
KF1 -.280 -.065 .682†  -.669 †  .373 .528 * -.361 .065
APF1 -.165 .236 -.416 .404 .114 -.692 †  .726 †  -.168
ADF1 .036 -.157 .273 -.392 -.091 .349 -.301 .154
HE2 -.171 -.212 -.031 .064 .048 -.059 .252 -.442
HF2 -.215 -.218 .227 -.193 .219 .129 -.066 .199
KE2 -.127 -.250 .388 -.243 -.058 .212 .002 -.444
KF2 -.178 .195 .284 -.085 -.345 .160 .044 -.328
APF2 -.124 -.022 -.007 .143 -.059 -.246 .402 -.107
ADF2 -.385 -.452 .032 -.188 .224 .096 -.046 -.121
†  Significant (p < 0.01) relationship between variables.
* Significant (p < 0.05) relationship between variables.