Table 2. Items of the Motivational Climate in Physical EducationScale (MCPES).
1. It is important for the students to try their best during PE lessons (3)
2. Learning new things makes me want to learn more (3)
3. What’s most important is that we progress every year in our own skills (3)
4. Our PE class has a good sense of unity (2)
5. It is important for students to show that they are better in PE than others (4)
6. Students have a significant role in decision making in PE lessons (1)
7. Our PE class is united when practicing during PE lessons (2)
8. During PE lessons students compare their performance mainly to that of others (4)
9. Students really ”work together” as a team (2)
10. It is important for the students to try to improve their own skills (3)
11. Students are given the opportunity to affect the way PE lessons are run (1)
12. During PE lessons the students ‘pull together’ (2)
13. It is important to keep trying even though you make mistakes (3)
14. It is important for the students to succeed better than the others (4)
15. Students have significant freedom to make choices during PE lessons (1)
16. During PE lessons the students compete with each other in their performance (4)
17. Students are given the opportunity to select activities according to their own interests (1)
18. Students can affect the course of PE lessons (1)
(1) = Perceived autonomy supporting dimension, (2) = Perceived social relatedness supporting dimension, (3) = Perceived task-involvement supporting dimension, (4) = Perceived ego-involvement supporting dimension