Table 3. Regression analysis [unstandardized beta and standard error (SE)] showing the association between flexibility, balance and power (predictive variables), and Berg scale of balance ability and Tinetti test for risk of falling (dependent variables) after adjusting for age.
Pre Berg scale Tinetti test
ß S.E. r P ß S.E. r P
General muscular flexibility .221 .214 .174 .307 .128 .133 .184 .340
Hip joint mobility .202 .059 .387 .001 .070 .040 .284 .087
Dynamic balance .596 2.333 .387 .011 2.091 1.376 .254 .136
Static balance .104 .193 .105 .594 -.085 .150 -.140 .574
Lumbar power .308 .152 .307 .049 .186 .095 .312 .056
General muscular flexibility .444 .229 .287 .062 .216 .144 .228 .142
Hip joint mobility .309 .055 .663 <.001 .138 .040 .477 .001
Dynamic balance .570 .788 .671 <.001 2.356 .547 .558 <.001
Static balance .286 .214 .204 .189 -.241 .148 -.247 .111
Lumbar power .358 .139 .372 .014 .216 .087 .362 .017