Table 2. Multivariable linear regression models for accelerometer outcomes before data standardization; C.I: confidence interval. Values that differ from post-standardized models are in bold font.
Outcome variable: sedentary behaviour
95.0% C.I
Covariates Std. Error Estimate p -value Lower Bound Upper Bound
Gender 6.137 .082 .086 -1.504 22.64
Age 2.550 .233 .000 7.590 17.62
Aboriginal 7.665 .112 .017 3.230 33.39
Wear time 3.605 .466 .000 28.33 42.52
Outcome variable: Light physical activity
95.0% C.I
Covariates Std. Error Estimate p -value Lower Bound Upper Bound
Gender -0.056 -1.141 .255 -11.90 3.163
Age -0.318 -6.496 .000 -13.52 -7.234
Aboriginal -0.151 -3.028 .003 -24.37 -5.174
Wear time .316 6.338 .000 .530 1.007
Outcome variable: Moderate to vigorous physical activity
95.0% C.I
Covariates Std. Error Estimate p -value Lower Bound Upper Bound
Gender -.132 -2.438 .015 -15.15 -1.619
Age -.091 -1.694 .091 -5.233 .390
Aboriginal -.106 -1.980 .049 -16.96 -.055
Wear time .133 2.451 .015 .978 8.928