Table 2. Balance training session 2.
Exercise Task Sets x repetitions Recovery time
1.Balance and stability Lateral raises (2 Kg dumb-bells) whilst standing on one leg on a Bosu balance trainer 3 x 10 2 min.
2.Balance and strength Balancing on an inflatable Skimmy cushion (Sixtus, Italy) for 30 sec. 2 x 4 per limb 30 sec.
3. Balance and strength 4 two-legged successive jumps on the ground from an inflatable disk, maintaining landing position for at least 3 sec. 4 x 4 30 sec.
4. Balance and strength Step-ups on a Bosu balance trainer. 4 x 10 30 sec.
5. Balance and strength Two-legged squats on unstable surface (Temix, Erregroup, Italy). 3 x 10 1 min.
6. Balance and strength Step-ups on a Bosu balance trainer whilst grasping 4 Kg dumb-bells. 4 x 8 45 sec.