Table 3. EFA structure coefficients, CFA factor loadings and squared multiple correlations (R) and t-values of the 17 items of the PEAS in the developmental sample (N=519).
Items of the PEAS* EFA CFA
PCA* ML** Sfl SE t-values R2
1 .429 .368 .276 .0519 5.319 .076
2 .445 .388 .134 .0549 2.441 .018
3 .434 .375 .452 .0816 5.541 .204
4 .545 .485 .285 .0579 4.922 .081
5 .434 .371 .218 .0527 4.135 .048
6 .423 .361 .234 .0495 4.725 .055
7 .377 .314 .241 .0482 5.001 .058
8 .497 .427 .961 .1709 5.623 .924
9 .423 .364 .580 .1041 5.574 .336
10 .306 .255 .148 .0498 2.972 .022
11 .345 .293 .112 .0450 2.487 .013
12 .471 .414 .082 .0414 1.982 .007
13 .480 .421 .277 .0721 3.841 .077
14 .502 .440 .156 .0442 3.527 .024
15 .553 .495 .075 .0450 1.668 .006
16 .459 .397 .300 .0565 5.309 .090
17 .381 .325 .113 .0436 2.594 .013
R2* .947 .957
EFA = Exploratory Factor Analysis; PCA = Principal component analysis; ML = Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis; CFA = Confirmatory factor Analysis; Sfl = Standarized factor loadings
** Coefficient of determination of the sum of scores and the factor.
* Seventeen items of the PEAS (Table 1).