Table 4. Confirmatory factor analysis results (chi-square goodness of fit statistics, chi-square/degrees of freedom ratio, significance and root mean square error of approximation) from subsequent use of PEAS.
Samples n (*) Chi-squared
p RMSEA Low High
SSUS Granada 2013 pre test-retest*** 519 180.0 1.84 ADF .000 .040 .031 .049
SSUS Granada 2013post test-retest 519 208.3 2.13 ADF .000 .047 .038 .055
SSUS Granada 2009 273 257.2 2.62 ADF .000 .077 .066 .089
Elite Female Cycling 80 150.9 1.52 GLS .001 .078 .066 .090
Elite Female Triathletes 126 118.4 1.20 GLS .089 .040 .000 .064
Spanish Cycling National Team Elite 74 143.9 1.47 GLS .002 .080 .050 .107
Football Coaches Sport Sciences Students 167 150.8 1.54 GLS .000 .057 .038 .074
High Level Cycling Coaches 113 166.8 1.70 GLS .000 .079 .058 .099
Elite Female Footballers 35 88.3 0.90 GLS .748 .000 .000 .068
Elite Footballers 263 165.4 1.69 ADF .000 .051 .037 .065
Professional Footballers 286 281.2 2.87 ADF .000 .081 .070 .092
Amateur Footballers 294 249.9 2.55 ADF .000 .073 .062 .084
Elite U18-U16 Footballers 282 256.1 2.61 ADF .000 .076 .064 .087
Football Coaches From 1st Division-U16 98 135.0 1.38 GLS .008 .032 .033 .087
SSUS Granada 2013 Postest 625 218.6 2.23 ADF .000 .032 .027 .038
SSUS Granada 2013 Pretest 705 209.0 2.13 ADF .000 .033 .027 .040
Ciclotourists QH Challenge 2011 2022 282.7# 3.80 ADF .000 .038 .034 .043
Ciclotourists QH Challenge 2012 382 226.7 2.31 ADF .000 .052 .043 .061
Environment of Footballer (Physiother., Doctors 1st Div-U16 65 137.8 1.41 GLS .005 .080 .045 .109
*** Test-retest design.
# Degrees of freedom (df)=74
** Discrepancy estimation method:ADF = Asymptotically distribution-free estimation; GLS = Generalized Least Squares.
*Missing values were imputed with the average.
SSUS: Sport Sciences University Students.