Table 4. Effects of a 7-week training program on Strength, Velocity and Power variables in the Bench Press test. Data are means (±SD).
Variable Group Pre (mean ± S) Post (mean ± S) p for Group p for GxTi ES/SP p for Ti ES/SP
BP (kg)
IRT 77.50 (8.22) 81.17 (9.65) .932 .192
TRT 78.80 (16.20) 82.30 (16.93)
CG 81.72 (19.58) 81.00 (18.84)
IRT .77 (.11) .78 (.15) .943 .389
TRT .74 (.19) .78 (.17)
CG .76 (.21) .77 (.20)
IRT 1.19 (.20) 1.23 (.23) .899 .639
TRT 1.15 (.30) 1.20 (.27)
CG 1.20 (.39) 1.21 (.38)
IRT 336.05 (35.10) 344.01 (56.06) .940 .038
TRT 317.22 (70.74) 342.84 (69.81)
CG 335.89 (84.64) 337.09 (83.80)
BP PP (W) IRT 608.12 (116.70) 654.46 (163.20) .946 .013
TRT 581.33 (192.95) 648.44 (193.39)
CG 689.32 (293.85) 669.88 (278.36)
1RM = 1 repetition maximum; AP= Average power; AV = Average velocity; BP = bench press; CG = control group; ES = Effect size; GxTi = group x time; IRT= instability resistance training program; kg = kilogram; m·s= meter.second; Post = posttest; PP = Peak power; Pre = pretest; PV = Peak velocity; SP = statistical power; TRT= traditional resistance training program; Ti = Time; W= watts.
‡ = differences between groups; p < 0.05.