Table 1. Deadlift bar, body, and system peak power (PP), peak force (PF), and peak velocity (PV) from 30 to 100% of deadlift 1-RM. Data are means (±SD).
Variable Percentage of deadlift 1RM
30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Bar PP (W) 1263 (304)* 1358 (310) 1462 (230) 1413 (266) 1385 (208) 1166 (335)* 945 (272)* 778 (240)*
Body PP (W) 1082 (383) 970 (327) 800 (277)* 732 (259)* 667 (179)* 513 (121)* 360 (176)* 419 (539)*
System PP (W) 1443 (309) 1495 (397) 1647 (204) 1795 (324) 1932 (384) 1683 (288) 1361 (338)* 863 (269)*
Bar PF (N) 970 (134)* 1169 (133)* 1354 (159)* 1532 (172)* 1657 (202)* 1816 (210)* 1981 (233)* 2169 (246)
Body PF (N) 1275 (236) 1221 (241) 1174 (237)* 1129 (263)* 1161 (244)* 1062 (196)* 1022 (210)* 1001 (178)*
System PF (N) 2085 (286)* 2139 (314)* 2256 (225)* 2395 (251)* 2483 (298)* 2661 (233)* 2799 (357)* 3005 (401)
Bar PV (m·s-1) 1.78 (.19) 1.28 (.18)* 1.24 (.09)* 1.03 (.17)* .95 (.11)* .67 (.15)* .52 (.11)* .36 (.08)*
Body PV (m·s-1) .91 (.14) .82 (.17) .71 (.11)* .69 (.11)* .61 (.11)* .50 (.11)* .39 (.14)* .23 (.15)*
System PV (m·s-1) .84 (.14) .81 (.21) .82 (.11) .82 (.20) .81 (.20) .66 (.14)* .50 (.11)* .29 (.07)*
* Significant difference from highest observed value (p ≤ 0.05).