Table 1. Actual (Vel) and perceived velocity (Vel) values for the three load categories from the five assessment days (n = 21). Values are means (± standard deviations).
Day Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
Velreal Velscale Velreal Velscale Velreal Velscale
1 1.02 (.18) 1.16 (.25) .70 (.11) .82 (.24) .48 (.12) .47 (.19)
2 1.04 (.15) 1.04 (.21) .69 (.10) .65 (.19) .51 (.15) .45 (.14)
3 1.00 (.15) 1.01 (.19) .68 (.09) .63 (.16) .48 (.11) .39 (.11)
4 1.00 (.14) 1.09 (.17) .71 (.13) .71 (.18) .48 (.11) .42 (.14)
5 .99 (.11) 1.06 (.16) .69 (.11) .65 (.15) .45 (.10) .42 (.12)