Table 1. Description of easy, moderate, and hard training intensities session (4 rounds/exercise).
Planned Intensity
Easy Moderate Hard
Exercise Cadence Duration (min) Cadence Duration (min) Cadence Duration (min)
Time Session (min) 45 45 45
Warm up -- 5 -- 5 -- 5
Rope Jump 75 10 125 10 180 10
Skill development boxing exercises (UpL/LoL) 60/30 10 120/60 10 180/90 10
Bag Drill (Punch) 30 10 60 10 90 10
Shadow - Simulated Fight (UpL/LoL) 60/30 10 120/60 10 180/90 10
Cadence : [volume (number of movements/round)/minute]. 1 round : 2minutes with 30seconds of rest interval. UpL/LoL: Upper limbs/Lower limbs