Table 2. Changes in body composition at baseline and after 12 weeks. Values are mean (± SEM).
Walking Group
(n = 14)
Control Group
(n = 14)
P -value
(time, interaction)
Sex, male/female Baseline 6/8 3/11 -
Age (years) Baseline 67.8 (1.3) 71.4 (1.6) -
Height (m) Baseline 1.57 (.01) 1.57 (.02) -
Body mass (kg) Baseline 55.0 (2.7) 55.2 (2.0) .018, .132
12 weeks 54.3 (2.7) * 55.0 (2.1)
BMI (kg·m-2) Baseline 22.3 (.9) 22.4 (.5) .010, .156
12 weeks 22.1 (.9) * 22.3 (.5)
Waist circumference (cm) Baseline 82.3 (2.1) 80.5 (2.3) .001, .487
12 weeks 77.0 (2.6) * 76.7 (1.7) *
SBP (mm Hg) Baseline 131 (3) 131 (3) .011, .103
12 weeks 123 (2) * 128 (3)
DBP (mm Hg) Baseline 79 (2) 80 (2) .001, .236
12 weeks 70 (2) ** 76 (3)
BMI, body mass index; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure.
* Significantly different from the baseline value in the same group (Paired Student`s t-test p < 0.05)
** Significantly different from the baseline value in the same group (Paired Student`s t-test p < 0.001)