Table 1. Descriptive statistics and repeated-measures ANOVA for the most significant variables related to the lunge without and with uncertainty during the action, respectively.
Without uncertainty With uncertainty Mean Differences
Variables Mean (±SD) Mean (±SD) Mean (±SD) 95% CI Effect Size d
Initial en garde position (tINI)
Vertical position CoM (m) .898 (.072) .897 (.081) .001 (.031) -.014 to .016 0
Horizontal position CoM (m) .360 (.078) .361 (.089) -.001 (.039) -.020 to .018 0
Vertical position of the sword´s handle (m) 1.122 (.071) 1.100 (.072) .019 (.045) -.003 to .041 .4
Horizontal position of the sword´s handle (m) .992 (.100) .998 (.110) -.006 (.061) -.036 to .023 .1
Reaction Time, RT(s) .174 (.016) * .193 (.041) * -.019 (.035) -.037 to -.017 .5
0.2 s from the start of the movement
Horizontal Displacement, sX(CoM) (m) .026 (.008) * .022 (.009) * .004 (.007) .000 to .007 .6
Horizontal Velocity, vX(CoM) (m·s-1) .380 (.105) * .325 (.131) * .055 (.102) .004 to .106 .5
Final phase of horizontal acceleration
Acceleration Time, t(ACCELERATION) (s) .525 (.052) * .550 (.069) * -.025 (.416) -.045 to -.005 9
Horizontal Displacement, sX(CoM) (m) .404 (.089) .383 (.092) .020 (.083) -.021 to .062 .2
Horizontal Velocity, vX(CoM) (m·s-1) 1.737 (.249) 1.690 (.250) .047 (.172) -.039 to .132 .3
Time-equated acceleration phase
Horizontal Displacement, sX(CoM)-truncated (m) .366 (.085) ** .329 (.078) ** .045 (.063) .133 to .076 .7
Horizontal Velocity, vX(CoM)-truncated (m·s-1) 1.720 (.259) ** 1.601 (.250) ** .119 (.163) .038 to .200 .7
Contact with the plastron
Reaction Response Time, RRT (s) .716 (.052) *** .770 (.098) *** -.055 (.063) -.087 to -.023 .9
Movement Time, MT (s) .542 (.051) * .581 (.091) * -.039 (.060) -.069 to -.093 .6
* < 0.05;
** < 0.01;
*** < 0.001