Table 5. Lower-limb joint torques and temporal parameters. Values are expressed as mean (± SD).
Variable High velocity group (n =10) Low velocity group (n =10) p ES High velocity group (n =10) Low velocity group (n =10) p ES
Joint torques (Nm/kg) Pivot leg Stride leg
Hip Coronal Plane ( Adduction: +; Abduction: - )
Joint torque at MKH -.2 (.3) -.4 (.2) .08 .84 -.1 (.1) -.1 (.0) .87 .07
Joint torque at MAP -2.5 (.7) ** -1.3 (.8) .00 1.53 .0 (.3) .2 (.3) .06 .89
Joint torque at SFC -.3 (1.1) .7 (.9) .05 .92 1.2 (.2) * .8 (.4) .04 1.01
Joint torque at MER -1.8 (.4) -1.6 (.7) .38 .42
Joint torque at REL -2.1 (.4) -1.8 (.4) .12 .76
Hip Transverse Plane (Internal Rotation: +; External Rotation: - )
Joint torque at MKH -.1 (.2) .0 (.1) .20 .59 .0 (.1) .1 (.0) .19 .60
Joint torque at MAP 1.2 (.6) ** .4 (.5) .01 1.30 .0 (.1) -.1 (.1) .14 .70
Joint torque at SFC -.1 (.4) -.2 (.2) .33 .45 -.3 (.1) -.3 (.2) .82 .10
Joint torque at MER .5 (.3) .4 (.4) .42 .37
Joint torque at REL .5 (.5) .6 (.3) .58 .25
Hip Sagittal Plane (Flexion: +; Extension: - )
Joint torque at MKH .6 (.8) * -.1 (.5) .05 .93 -.1 (.4) .2 (.1) .07 .86
Joint torque at MAP .0 (.9) -.8 (1.1) .10 .77 .2 (.2) .2 (.4) .99 .00
Joint torque at SFC -.7 (.3) -1.1 (.8) .23 .55 .0 (.3) -.2 (.4) .32 .46
Joint torque at MER -2.5 (.8) -2.1 (.7) .36 .42
Joint torque at REL -2.5 (.9) -2.0 (.7) .23 .55
Knee Sagittal Plane (Flexion: +; Extension: - )
Joint torque at MKH -.6 (.5) * -.1 (.3) .02 1.10 .0 (.2) .0 (.1) .95 .03
Joint torque at MAP -2.1 (.7) * -1.4 (.6) .03 1.02 .1 (.1) .1 (.1) .77 .13
Joint torque at SFC .5 (.3) .3 (.4) .34 .44 -.2 (.3) -.1 (.2) .30 .49
Joint torque at MER -1.4 (.7) -1.5 (.6) .67 .19
Joint torque at REL -.6 (1.3) -1.2 (.8) .23 .56
Ankle Sagittal Plane (Dorsiflexion: +; Plantar flexion: - )
Joint torque at MKH .2 (.2) .4 (.2) .08 .84 .0 (.0) .0 (.0) .34 .44
Joint torque at MAP 1.1 (.3) .9 (.5) .35 .43 .0 (.0) .0 (.0) .26 .52
Joint torque at SFC .3 (.3) .4 (.4) .34 .44 -.1 (.0) .0 (.0) .11 .76
Joint torque at MER .9 (.7) .6 (.4) .35 .43
Joint torque at REL .9 (.6) .5 (.4) .15 .67
Maximum joint torque (Nm/kg)
Maximum Hip Adduction .6 (.8) .9 (.9) .75 .34 1.1 (.2) .8 (.4) .17 .85
Maximum Hip Abduction 2.9 (.7) * 2.1 (.6) .05 1.14 2.3 (.4) 1.9 (.5) .09 .93
Maximum Hip IntR 1.3 (.5) * .7 (.4) .02 1.27 .6 (.3) .7 (.3) .45 .09
Maximum Hip ExtR .3 (.3) .3 (.3) .38 .04 .3 (.1) .4 (.2) .22 .41
Maximum Hip Flexion 1.1 (.9) 0.4 (.9) .08 .82 .0 (.3) -.2 (.4) .30 .52
Maximum Hip Extension 1.5 (.6) 1.4 (.8) .72 .11 2.7 (.9) 2.3 (.6) .42 .50
Maximum Knee Flexion .7 (.4) .4 (.3) .09 .79 .1 (.6) .1 (.2) .59 .12
Maximum Knee Extension 2.7 (.5) * 1.9 (.4) .02 1.44 1.9 (.6) 1.8 (.4) .83 .36
Maximum Ankle DF 1.2 (.3) 1.1 (.4) .47 .43 1.0 (.6) .8 (.4) .18 .43
Maximum joint torque temporal parameters (%time)
Maximum Hip Adduction 70.7 (41.7) 99.1 (1.5) .12 .91 101.4 (4.3) 106.5 (12.7) .27 .51
Maximum Hip Abduction 71.9 (16.8) 67.5 (11.2) .92 .29 192.9 (6.0) 192.5 (7.6) .87 .05
Maximum Hip IntR 76.4 (7.7) 69.9 (7.6) .18 .81 181.6 (18.5) 182.4 (18.4) .54 .04
Maximum Hip ExtR 80.3 (35.4) 81.7 (35.0) .90 .04 110.0 (30.0) 114.1 (14.9) .71 .17
Maximum Hip Flexion 46.9 (31.7) 40.5 (27.7) .87 .20 104.3 (5.1) 101.7 (3.7) .21 .56
Maximum Hip Extension 96.8 (2.4) 95.3 (2.1) .47 .62 181.6 (10.7) 171.4 (17.6) .16 .67
Maximum Knee Flexion 89.8 (26.6) 84.5 (29.2) .95 .18 130.0 (45.8) 125.2 (38.2) .42 .11
Maximum Knee Extension 72.1 (9.7) 74.1 (8.1) .55 .22 157.3 (14.5) 170.2 (17.4) .06 .77
Maximum Ankle DF 86.6 (6.5) 68.6 (33.4) .14 .71 178.8 (31.5) 158.8 (31.3) .38 .60
* p < 0.05, Significant difference between high and low groups.
P; p value, ES; effect size value. MKH; Maximal stride knee height. MAP; Maximal anterior push-off force. SFC; Stride foot contacts ground. IntR: Internal Rotation. ExtR: External Rotation. DF: Dorsiflexion. MER; Maximum shoulder external rotation. REL; Ball release.
** p < 0.01, Significant difference between high and low groups