Table 1. Instructional cues & phrase.
Discrete Skills Movement Form Movement Outcome
Lead hand punch (fighting stance)

Point shoulder towards target

Extend the elbow straight out.

Contact with the 1st two knuckles

Lock the elbow and wrist at the moment of impact.

Hit in a straight line with the fist

Aim the fist to the nose of your image in the mirror

Reverse hand punch (fighting stance)

Pivot the ball of the rear foot with slight knee bend.

Point the shoulder of the punching hand towards the target.

Extend the elbow and hit with the 1st two knuckles.

Lock the elbow and wrist at the moment of impact.

Flick your belt strap from right to left

Hit in a straight line with the fist

Aim the fist to the nose of your image in the mirror

Lead hand Hook Punch (Fighting stance)

Trunk rotates to the right.

Left shoulder rotates outwards

Flexed elbow during swing

Lock the elbow and wrist at the moment of impact.

Hook the punch above barrier

Flick your belt strap to the right

Front thrust kick

Lift kicking leg where knee is slightly above the hip.

Extend the knee forward

Contact with the ball of the foot at full knee extension

Contact barrier with knee

Strike target with foot

Turning kick

Pivot supporting leg on the ball of the foot with slight knee bend

Lift the kicking leg in a flexed position with knee above hip.

Keep the heel in line with the hip and shoulder.

Foot plantar flexed and travel across the midline of your body

Flex knee after contact

Belt needs to travel from right to left

Clear barrier with shank above it

Strike target with foot in a snap-like motion

Shuffle forward

Lift up front leg slightly from the floor.

Move forward with the front leg and land with the ball of your foot.

Slide the ball of the rear foot slightly forward.

Front leg slides over a colour marker on the floor.

Sliding turning kick

Move the rear first.

Lift up the kicking knee as the rear foot approaches the front foot.

Keep thigh level with hip during preparation

Foot plantar flexed and travel across the midline of your body

Flex knee after contact

Shift rear foot towards coloured tape

Clear barrier with shank of the front leg above it

Contact target with foot in a snap-like motion

Sliding front kick

Move the rear leg first.

Lift up the kicking knee as the rear foot approaches the front foot.

Keep knee level with hip during preparation

Extend the knee forward

Contact with the ball of the foot at full knee extension

Shift rear foot towards coloured tape

Contact barrier with front knee.

Strike target with foot