Table 1. Pre- and post-exercise body mass (BM), BM loss, fluid intake and urine output for the three training sessions. Data (n = 14) are means (± SD)[min-max].
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
Pre-ex BM
70.6 (5.0)
71.0 (5.3)
71.0 (5.0)
Post-ex BM
70.3 (4.9)*
70.8 (5.2)*
70.7 (4.9)*
BM loss
.69 (.22)
.42 (.25)† 
.38 (.30)† 
BM loss
.97 (.29)
.58 (.35)† 
.52 (.39)† 
Sweat loss
replaced (%)
62.3 (30.7)
85.7 (65.2)
65.8 (96.5)
Sweat rate
.55 (.18)
.27 (.16)† 
.29 (.23) † 
Fluid Intake
425 (185)
355 (161)
247 (157)
Urine Output
123 (92)
108 (66)
128 (124)
* Significantly different from pre-ex BM (p < 0.05);
† Significantly different from session 1 (p < 0.05);
‡A significant main effect of session was reported (F2,26 = 5.0, p < 0.05), but post-hoc tests could not determine the location of the significance.