Table 3. Body composition before and after SizeOn maximum performance supplementation and resistance training. Values are means (±SD).
Variable Group Day 0 Day 43 Group (p ≤ .05) Test (p ≤ .05) Group x Test (p ≤ .05)
Body Mass (kg) SIZE 83.75 (13.22) 85.01 (13.22) .866 .788 .948
PCC 84.63 (13.52) 86.39 (13.77)
Body Water (kg) SIZE 44.17 (5.12) 45.26 (5.02) .655 .358 .653
PCC 45.52 (5.94) 46.24 (5.34)
Fat Mass (kg) SIZE 13.67 (5.12) 14.06 (17.05) .448 .325 .384
PCC 14.01 (7.33) 14.33 (7.73)
Fat-Free Mass (kg) SIZE 60.64 (8.02) 61.61 (7.89) .082 .037 .849
PCC 61.27 (6.89) 62.46 (6.57)
Body composition for the PCC (n = 12) and SIZE (n = 12) groups. * denotes a significant increase at Day 43. Resistance training increased fat-free mass (p = 0.037) for both groups; however, there were no differences associated with supplementation (p > 0.05).