Table 6. Muscle protein levels before and after SizeOn maximum performance supplementation and resistance training. Values are means (±SD).
Variable Group Day 0 Day 43 Group (p ≤ .05) Test (p ≤ .05) Group x Test (p ≤ .05)
Total Creatine (µmol·mg–1) SIZE 3.48 (.75) 4.80 (2.42) *†  .044 .020 .279
PCC 3.12 (.72) 3.61 (.562) *† 
Total Protein (µg·mg–1) SIZE .070 (.024) .083 (.039) * .230 .038 .623
PCC .089 (.026) .096 (.029) *
MHC 1 (arbitrary density units) SIZE 1101.7 (391.0) 1394.1 (419.1) * .878 .041 .873
PCC 1137.6 (536.6) 1398.4 (531.6) *
MHC 2A (arbitrary density units) SIZE 1084.7 (611.9) 1336.5 (538.7) * .657 .029 .501
PCC 1278.5 (484.9) 1504.7 (342.6) *
MHC 2X (arbitrary density units) SIZE 892.9 (521.4) 836.2 (385.9) .884 .158 .120
PCC 990.7 (188.3) 767.0 (199.0)
* denotes a significant increase at Day 43.
†  Denotes a significant increase for Group. Both supplement groups underwent significant increases in total creatine levels (p = 0.044). Resistance training increased total protein content (p = 0.038) as well as the protein content of Type I (p = 0.041) and Type IIA (p = 0.029) MHC.
Muscle protein levels for the PCC (n = 12) and SIZE (n = 12) groups.