Table 3. Feedback on Version 1 of golf swing and golf putt assessments.
Aspect Feedback for both golf swing and golf putt Feedback specific to putt How concerns were addressed
Instructions Need to specify a distance for the swing. Range of opinion on distance, some thought too far, some thought proposed distance was adequate. Specified distance for swing and reduced putt distance to 5 metres.
Equipment Use of plastic ball not supported, suggestion for a foam ball. Mid iron suggested for a club. Putter suggested for a club. Changed equipment to foam ball and mid iron. Changed equipment to putter.
Grip No agreement on having a certain type of grip. Removed type of grip as an assessed component.
Alignment There was some confusion over the wording: ‘child’s non-preferred hip/shoulder faces …’ Changed the wording for this component but also included this wording in brackets as this is similar to the TGMD wording.
Stance In the stance it is the waist that bends not hips.
In the stance the knees are slightly bent.
Changed to ‘bends at waist’. Did not include knees slightly bent as it was felt that component was trying to address too many ‘features’. Tried to select the most important aspects for the stance.
Focus Focusing on ball seen to be important. Added an extra component to do with ‘focus on the ball’.
Swing Separating the backswing and follow through was seen as important by some, although others were not sure if this is most important for new players.
Non-dominant hand should remain relatively straight in the swing
Fluidity of stroke as important. Separated backswing and follow through into different components.
Incorporated fluidity of stroke, i.e. ‘…in a smooth rhythm without break’.
Not included non-dominant hand as relatively straight, as it would add another ‘feature’ to that component. Tried to select most important aspects for the backswing.
Weight Transfer Assessing weight transfer raised as important. Addressed this by adding in a ‘finish point’ in the follow through for the body, which if achieved would mean weight transfer has occurred.
Outcome Ball does not have to be hit straight. Ball rolling and not bouncing seen as important in the Putt Clarified and a guide given as to what ‘relatively straight’ means.