Table 4. Final version of the golf swing with revised performance criteria (underlined).
Skill Materials Directions Golf Swing Performance Criteria T1 T2 Score
Striking a golf ball (golf swing) A foam golf ball, a golf club (mid-iron junior size). Have both right and left hand iron available. At least 55 metres clear space. Place ball on the ground at a marked spot. Hand the golf club to child. Tell child to hit the ball straight ahead to finish as close as possible to a cone placed on ground 50 metres away. Point straight ahead to cone. Repeat a second trial. C1. ‘Start’ Both hands on golf club (non-dominant hand towards the end of the grip, dominant hand towards the shaft).
C2. ‘Stance’ Child side on to intended target (i.e. non/preferred hip/shoulder faces towards target). Slight bend at waist and feet about shoulder width apart.
C3. ‘Focus’ Head relatively still with eyes focused on ball until after ball release.
C4: ‘Backswing’ High backswing with the club (i.e. club head above shoulder with shaft parallel to ground).
C5. ‘Hit’ Contacts ball sending it generally straight ahead (no more than 10am-2pm degrees left or right) towards the target.
C6. ‘Follow through’ Club follows through towards non-preferred shoulder (club head at least to chest level), and in finish position child is facing target with weight on front foot indicated by a raising of back heel.
Skill Score