Table 5. Final version of the golf putt with revised performance criteria (underlined).
Skill Materials Directions Golf Putt Performance Criteria T1 T2 Score
Putting a golf ball A foam golf ball, golf putter, cone and at least 6 metres of space. Place ball on the ground at a marked spot. Hand putter to child. Tell child to hit the ball softly to finish as close as possible to a cone placed on ground 5 metres away. Repeat a second trial. C1. ‘Start’ Child side on to intended target (i.e. non/preferred hip/shoulder faces towards target). Both hands on putter (grip not important).
C2. ‘Stance’ Back has slight bend at waist and feet about shoulder width apart.
C3. ‘Focus’ Head still with eyes focused on ball until after ball release.
C4. ‘Backswing’ Small backswing with the putter (i.e. lower than knee.)
C5. ‘Hit’ Contacts ball and sends smoothly (i.e. without bounce) in general direction (no more than 11am-1pm degrees left or right) of the target.
C6. ‘Follow through’ The plane of the putter is towards the target in a smooth rhythmic pendular motion without break.
Skill Score