Table 4. Mean slope of lactate concentration over time for each of the portable and laboratory analysers.
Lactate concentration band (mM) All bands
0-1.9 2.0-4.9 5.0-9.9 10.0-14.9 15+
Mean slope (mM/min)
Edge A -.010 -.009 -.027 -.100 -.077 -.045
Edge B -.009 -.032 -.033 -.152 -.068 -.054
i-STAT A .006 .018 .031 .022 .050 .026
i-STAT B .008 .073 .025 -.002 .059 .036
Lactate Pro A .008 .000 .033 -.067 -.050 -.012
Lactate Pro B .002 .000 -.008 -.021 .004 -.004
Lactate Pro2 A -.003 .006 .002 -.011 -.054 -.015
Lactate Pro2 B .007 .009 .008 -.038 -.036 -.010
Radiometer ABL90 .005 .017 -.019 -.026 -.038 -.016
Radiometer 715 .005 -.005 -.007 -.002
Scout+ A -.019 -.011 -.048 -.083 -.091 -.056
Scout+ B -.016 .028 -.024 -.040 -.113 -.045
Xpress A .017 .018 -.007 -.025 -.006 -.001
Xpress B .015 .042 -.003 -.024 .110 .034
All analysers .000 .010 -.008 -.050 -.035 -.017