Table 3. Location of Anatomical Landmarks for E-Zone Calculations (adapted from Deffeyes and Sanders, 2005).
Marker Side View Marker Location Frontal View of Marker Location
Vertex Highest point of the head above the ear Central highest point of the head
C2 Mandible Angle Centre of chin
C7 At level of C7 spine, in centre of neck segment Adam’s Apple
AC Joint One marker at AC joint should be visible in both views One marker at AC joint should be visible in both views
Humerus Head Greater tubercle of the Ulna (head of humerus) Same as side view marker but on the midline of the arm
Elbow Olecranon Process of Ulna Level of the Olecranon Process of the Ulna
Wrist Wrist Level with the side marker
Finger Longest tip of the 3rd Distal Phalanx Longest tip of the 3rd Distal Phalanx
Xiphoid Level with front marker, on the midline of the trunk. Base of Sternum
Pubic Not required Applied by subject
Hip Greater Trochanter of Femur Level with the side view marker, on the midline of the thigh
Knee Level to the side of the Patella Centre of Patella
Ankle Lateral Malleolus of the Fibula Level with the side marker, on the midline of the ankle.
Metatarsal phalangeal joint P 5 5th Metatarsophalangeal joint Same as side view
Toe 1st Interphalangeal joint (Tip of big toe) 1st Interphalangeal joint (Tip of big toe)