Table 2. Description of the sequence “To feel prepared and safe for the jump while the plane gains altitude”
Representamen Action Units Interpretant
René Instrument alarms Waits for the smooth climb of the plane Monitors the unfolding normality of events
Well-positioned secondary material Puts on hood and gloves before the helmet Increased tension for the upcoming jump
Laurent Noise and bumpiness of the flight Holds on to the seat waiting for a smoother situation Monitors the unfolding normality of events
Beep of the altisound Hearing the altisound, relaxes and concentrates on the jump Confidence in the next moments
Well-positioned secondary material Puts on helmet, gloves and glasses Impatience and expectations of enjoying the jump
Bertrand Instrument alarms, bumpiness of the flight Waits for the “safety” altitude of the flight Copes with momentary feeling of vulnerability
Beep of the altisound Hearing the altisound, relaxes and concentrates on the jump Confirmation of the sound and normality of the unfolding of the situation
Well-positioned secondary material Checks secondary material Subtle increase in tension in relation to safety
Eric Instability of the situation Waits for the smooth climb of the plane Loss of confidence, expecting the end of this uncomfortable and hardly reassuring moment
Beep of the altisound Hearing the altisound, relaxes and feels safe Identification of the normality of the unfolding situation
Secondary materials Puts on equipment and closes wings Impatience, confidence and expectations of the moment of the jump