Table 2. Median (Range) power and speed performance between injured (serious injuries) and non-injured soldiers.
Power performance Injured Non-injured P value
10 meter sprint time (sec) 2.30 (2.13 – 2.62) 2.27 (2.03 – 2.69) .057a
SLTH Left leg, Total distance (cm) 418 (254 – 559) 446.5 (199 – 584) .029b
SLTH Left leg, Contact time (sec) .33 (.17 – .42) .32 (.20 – .47) ns
SLTH Right leg, Total Distance (cm) 434 (287 – 536) 460 (263 – 546) .047a
SLTH Right leg, Contact time (sec) .33 (.27 – .57) .31(0.18 – .50) ns
DJ contact time (sec) .40 (.27 – .56) 40 (.24 – .59) ns
DJ Time Flight (sec) .44 (.35 - .58) .45 (.31 - .57) ns
DJ height (cm) 23.8 (14.8-41.7) 24.7 (12.0-40.1) ns
DJ Power (W/Kg) 23.07 (16.9-36.65) 23.0 (14.9-34.0) ns
CMJ Time Flight (sec) .40 (.34 - .50) .42 (.28 - .51) ns
CMJ height (cm) 20.1 (13.9-30.8) 21.2 (9.6-32.8) ns
CMJ Power (W/Kg) 11.3 (8.5-13.8) 11.5 (7.5-15.9) ns
SLTH; Single Leg Triple Hop Test, DJ; Drop Jump, CMJ; Counter Movement Jump.
aWilcoxon test,
bMedian test, ns; not significant.