Table 3. Tests for univariate predictors of injury.
Variable p value Odds Ratio (95% CI) ROC AUC Sensitivity Specificity Optimum diagnostic cutoff
Fat % .047 1.156 (1.002-1.343) .62 .9 .4 21.6%
2K Run .022 1.007 (1.001-1.014) .61 .4 .86 11:33min
SLTH (Left) .013 .994 (.988-.998) .63 .6 .6 430cm
p values and Odds Ratio 95% CI based on Likelihood Ratio parameters from logistic regression analysis. Sensitivity, Specificity, and Optimum diagnostic cutoff based on subsequent ROC analysis and tuning of logistic regression model. SLTH=Single Leg Triple Hop Test; ROC = Receiver Operating Characteristic; AUC = area under the curve.