Table 3. Means and standard deviations for Error rate (normalized number of errors), GZ value, and SKL value by time regardless of exercise intensity (N = 11).
Pre-Ex Imm-Ex Post-30 p ηp2 1-β
Error Rate .179 ± .840 .165 ± .774 .142 ± .666 .003* .435 .912
GZ Value .826 ± .192 .848 ± .188 .861 ± .159 .005* .414 .886
SKL Value .817 ± .188 .835 ± .178 .863 ± .164 .001* .482 .956
Error rate, GZ value, and SKL value were each normalized into a ratio divided by the total number of possible d2’s per line in each test. Pre-Ex=pre-exercise; Imm-Ex=immediately after exercise; Post-30=post-exercise 30-min; ηp2 = partial eta2; 1–β = power
* p ≤ 0.05 = significant main effect for Time