Table 4. Correlations (r values) between VO2max and Dependent Variables at Pre-Ex, Imm-Ex and Post-30 Minutes Exercise for Moderate and High Intensities.
Moderate Intensity Pre-Ex Imm-Ex Post-30
RTT .633* .523 .618*
RTI .608* .572* .611*
RTC .626* .474 .642*
Error rate -.164 -.316 -.474
GZ .183 .299 .462
SKL .173 .318 .396
High Intensity Pre-Ex Imm-Ex Post-30
RTT .585* .483 .651*
RTI .622* .478 .626*
RTC .496 .464 .485
Error rate -.324 -.369 -.055
GZ .395 .539* .122
SKL .411 .468 .098
one-tailed. RTT = total reaction time; RTI = incongruent reaction time; RTC = congruent reaction time. Error rate = the relative number of all errors of confusion and elimination. GZ value = measures the rate at which participants mark off each d2; the overall number of marked letters within the d2 test. SKL value measures attention; the standardized number of accurate answers minus confusion errors.
*p ≤ 0.05
Pre-Ex = pre-exercise, Imm-Ex = immediately after exercise, Post-30=post-exercise 30-min