Upper Arm |
Glenohumeral Joint |
Humeroulnar Joint |
Commences between the head of the Humerus and glenoid fossa of the Scapula, separating the upper arm from the trunk; Ending at the elbow axis, noted by the trochlea of the Humerus and olecranon process of the Ulna. |
Forearm |
Humeroulnar Joint |
Ulnocarpal Joint |
Commences at the elbow axis (described above); Ending through the wrist axis, noted by the styloid process of the Ulna, and the base of the Pisiform, Lunate and Scaphoid carpal bones. |
Hand |
Ulnocarpal Joint |
Distal Phalanges |
Commences through the wrist axis (described above); Ending at the most distal point of the phalanges of the hand. |
Thigh |
Femoral Head |
Tibiofemoral Joint |
Commences beneath the head of the Femur along the line of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and inferior ramus of the pubis; Ending through knee axis, noted as the ‘tibial plateau’ (space between the femoral and tibial condyles). |
Shank |
Tibiofemoral Joint |
Talocrural Joint |
Commences through the knee axis (described above); Ending through the ankle junction, noted as the articulation between the Talus, Tibia and Fibula, spanning beneath the medial and lateral malleoli. |
Foot |
Talocrural Joint |
Distal Phalanges |
Commences through the ankle junction (described above); Ending at the most distal point of the phalanges of the foot. |