Table 2. Physical characteristics of all subjects included in the study. Values are presented as mean (±standard deviation).
Group A (n = 26) Group B (n = 10)
All (n=26) Men (n=13) Women (n=13) All (n=10)
Age (years) 21.0 (1.4) 21.2 (1.3) 20.8 (1.5) 21.6 (2.0)
Height (m) 166.4 (8.8) 173.6 (5.8) 159.2 (3.8) 169.5 (8.3)
Weight (kg) 56.3 (7.0) 61.8 (4.1) 50.9 (4.5) 56.7 (7.5)
Sitting height (cm) 87.9 (4.8) 91.0 (4.7) 84.8 (2.4) 89.9 (3.8)
Height of chair (cm) 42.5 (2.0) 43.6 (1.9) 41.3 (1.3) 42.9 (1.9)
BMI (kg·m-2) 20.3 (1.9) 20.6 (2.0) 20.1 (1.7) 19.7 (2.3)
BMI, body mass index. Group A, the validity study of the incremental sit-to-stand exercises . (ISTSs) for evaluating the aerobic threshold (AT). Group B, the reproducibility study of the ISTSs for evaluating the AT.