Table 5. Mountain bike competition (COMP): Data (means ± SD) are presented for sections Uphill, Flat and Downhill (see Figure 1) for all subjects (n = 24) and for a high performance athlete (HPA). For legend of variables see Table 3. Values are (means ± SD).
Data determined form Mountain Bike Competition (COMP): All Subjects (n=24)
Variables Section 1 (Uphill) Section 2 (Nearly Flat) Section 3 (Downhill)
Power output (W) 226.1 (41.7) ab 175 (32.9) ac 101(26) bc
Power output (W·kg-1) 3.24 (.55) ab 2.52 (.43) ac 1.44 (.35) bc
Cadence (rev·min-1) 79(9) ab 74(7) ac 54(12) bc
VO2 (ml·kg-1·min-1) 62.5 (7.9) ab 55.9 (7.3) ac 45.6 (6.0) bc
HR (bpm) 172(14) b 170(13) c 159(14) bc
VE (l.min-1) 126(21) ab 115 (22.7) ac 91(17) bc
RER .91 (.04) ab . 88 (.04) ac .86 (.65) bc
Data determined from Mountain Bike Competition (COMP): High Performance Athlete (HPA)
Variables Section 1 (Uphill) Section 2 (Nearly Flat) Section 3 (Downhill)
Power output (W) 328 259 149
Power output (W·kg-1) 4.37 3.45 1.99
Cadence (rev·min-1) 89 97 64
VO2 (ml·kg-1·min-1) 76.6 69.7 59.2
HR (bpm) 184 185 171
VE (l·min-1) 185 185 137
RER 0.95 0.93 0.87
c Section2 vs. Section3 significantly different.
b Section1 vs, Section3 significantly different.
a Section1 vs. Section2 significantly different.