Table 2. Summary of exercise descriptors for high-intensity exercise (HIIE) and steady state exercise (SSE) protocols (n = 8). Values are mean (± standard deviation).
Variable SSE HIIE
Protocol run at 70% of sVO2peak 60 x 60-second rest of 100% sVO2peak
Duration (min) 30.78 (2.09) 42.09 (2.93) *
Speed (km·h–1) 9.65 (0.69) 13.79 (0.98)
EExp (kcal) 454.4 (56.7) 523.0 (40.1) *
HRmax (beats·min–1) 171(8) 182(11) *
[La-]rest (mmol·L-1) 1.35 (.14) 1.34 (.24)
[La-]peak (mmol·L-1) 4.06 (1.60) 7.11 (2.85) *
RPEfinal 15.0 (2.8) 20.0 (3.7)
EExp = Energy Expenditure HRmax= Maximal Heart Rate in exercise; [La-]= lactate concentration, RPE= Rate of perceived exertion.
* = different from SSE (p < 0.05).