Table 2. Average segmental contribution to the joint moment in acceleration phase (Nm). Data are means (±SD).
Movement (+/-) Advanced Intermediate
Open Square Open Square
Peak values
Shoulder flexion/ extension 4.21 (.92) 4.59 (.86) 6.83 (1.94) 5.67 (1.87)
abduction/adduction -2.99 (.26) -3.77 (.80) .05 (2.29) -.62 (1.52)
internal/external rotation -1.91 (1.68) -5.54 (2.33) -8.62 (2.77) -5.52 (1.74)
Elbow flexion/ extension 4.25 (.72) 7.97 (1.72) 6.71 (2.24) 7.71 (2.49)
abduction/adduction 2.07 (.85) 2.54 (1.00) 5.08 (1.78) 2.78 (.58)
internal/external rotation -1.70 (.83) -6.71 (1.84) -4.78 (1.40) -5.14 (1.77)
Wrist flexion/ extension 1.94 (.66) 3.02 (.83) 2.79 (.94) 3.78 (1.79)
abduction/adduction 1.48 (.50) 5.71 (1.18) 4.41 (1.80) 4.78 (1.71)
pronation/supination -.93 (.23) -2.99 (.99) -1.43 (.54) -2.28 (.81)
Shoulder flexion/ extension 5.76±4.90 6.05 (2.77) 6.40 (3.69) 7.60 (3.26)
abduction/adduction 5.83±3.09 7.77 (1.91) 6.64 (2.04) 6.86 (4.49)
internal/external rotation 8.82±4.94 11.15 (4.71) 10.45 (4.58) 10.42 (5.07)
Elbow flexion/ extension 5.83±2.28 7.44 (1.66) 6.35 (3.89) 6.08 (1.18)
abduction/adduction 5.24±2.50 7.08 (2.85) 4.95 (1.88) 6.82 (4.02)
internal/external rotation 6.01±3.26 9.08 (2.57) 7.70 (4.49) 9.03 (4.00)
Wrist flexion/ extension 3.95±2.00 5.88 (2.09) 4.85 (3.27) 7.78 (4.10)
abduction/adduction 6.11±3.40 10.21 (4.93) 6.89 (2.32) 5.66 (2.56)
pronation/supination * 2.80±1.21 5.26 (1.42) 3.93 (2.51) 6.11 (2.90)
* p < 0.05 (Square > Open).